Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011

5 ways to naturally lower the myopic eye


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Hi all! Back again with my joy Silalahi.My post this time is "5 ways to naturally lower the myopic eye"Why did my post this time about the lowers myopic eyes?karen i saw this my friends who already wear glasses to aid vision.

This is Dr. William Bates Several methods are written in his book "Better eyesight Wiithout Glasses" to reduce the myopic eye
1. Hide
This vision eye exercises help to relax and rest. Try to sit comfortably at the table and then put a few pillows to high sejejer eye. Put your elbow on the pillow is then close your eyes with two hands until there are no incoming cahanya. Breathe slowly, relax and imagine in the darkness. Begin doing this for 10 minutes 2-3 times a day.
2. Wiggle Eye Ball
Try to stand up and focus on a distant point, and then shake your eye balls from the left and right, or vice versa while blinking as much as 100 times per day. Blinking is useful to clean and lubricate the eye.
3. Choosing a Color in One Day
Choose a different color every day and look out the color of the selected objects throughout the day. When you see someone will be more aware of color rather than shape.
4. Bask
Try to do this once a day. This activity requires a sunny day or a good light.
Trick blindfold and look directly at the sun through the eyes closed. As I see the sun, slowly move your head to the left and right as far as you can until almost touching his shoulder. This helps bring more blood circulation to the neck. Do this for 3-5 minutes.
5. Shifting Visions
Many people who spend time staring at a computer screen in front of his face. Try to shift your vision on a woven fabric in the sleeves, posters on the wall or a tree across the street. This can help enhance peripheral vision and can help nearsightedness, farsightedness and other vision problems. Even in some cases can eliminate cataracts.
Dr. William Bates gives tips when doing eye exercises to remove your glasses or contact lenses in order to feel more comfortable and relaxed. When doing this exercise try to really concentrate on the eye so the result is more leverage.
thank you so hopefully the article How to Reduce Eye Minus The benefit to your readers

Joy Silalahi

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