Rabu, 11 Januari 2012

ReDesign Single Post With CSS3


ReDesign Single Post With CSS3

My first word was "sorry to make your browser sticky" sticky?
lately a lot of bloggers who switched their themes, inspired by the themes that I also gained back my # set its follow-up. my new themes inspired by the icons I made with CSS3 yesterday. These new themes totally menggukan image on the layout, so the display with the 'do not check load images automatically' equal to its original appearance. try it, uncheck the 'load images automatically' and press F5 (refresh) the same right?

Unfortunately, these themes 'pretty messy' in webkit, I know why webkit guns guns can run this code

-Webkit-box-shadow:-6px 6px 18px, 6px 6px-18px;

I purposely Quote guns gives color to the box-shadow, because later I will make themes custom themes, alias color can be change-change by the visitors. so, if I give color to his box-shadow 'certainly can not be changed right? he dong, why? I think the html dom not support CSS3. example, there are guns syntax like this

Object.style.box-shadow = "value";

Nobody's (nov 2010)? for that reason I do not give value to the box-shadow color.
Further, these new themes are also very messy in IE, I'm lazy smoothed tampilanya in IE, IE wong it has NOT support CSS3. hahahaha, I forgot, it is advisable to open this page with Firefox 3 + and 10 + opera. for other browsers, just assure you completely destroyed.

Disadvantages In Themes
Perhaps this page is very hard on the scroll, if it "one of them because a lot of memory mememerlukan browser to run the source on cssnya (46kb +). so, if the ability of computer processors pal lace # mfjikasalahtulis, from my heart "I apologize", my advice 'tab or close some applications if you want to open this page. if it is still very sticky, sorry again
kekuranagn other is, it looks like the new themes are not suitable if the comment thereadnya activated, entar if there is a complaint I would turn off his theread comment (for a while still active). what's with theread commnet? let's see if there is mereply comments, whether it looked like children? I think not? fears, later even if the conversation via comments kebingan.
in addition to the above two shortage +, new themes are also no longer custom or friend was not able to change the color, background, fonts, align, as well as some other styles change, "recalls the themes yesterday"?.

Excess In Themes
Kelebihanya only on visual tempilan only # no more, or in other words, although my friend nge-disable picture, tampilanya will tetep saperti if the images come together in the load. the difference is only in the comments section, dimananya? well, gravatarnya will not appear.

Please advice
According to my friend, what should I improve on this single post page? just a note "THEMES OF THIS STILL BETA", I edit it again 'if there is a time course

Property that is used

Transform-rotate (there are guns in CSS3)
Transform-skewX (guns in CSS3)
Transform-skewY (guns in CSS3)
Linear-gradient (no guns in CSS3)
I am still a newbie in this area CSS, so yes "result destroyed", please bimbinganya.

The front page?

To be honest 'I was very tired of seeing the front page of this blog. unfortunately again "my guns could be photoshop, so it 'can not re ngedesain. even if the reset, so much time I spend in front photosahop 'and even then not necessarily good, let's see the front page of' dirty and messy right?

Joy Silalahi

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We are Creative Blogger Theme Wavers which provides user friendly, effective and easy to use themes. Each support has free and providing HD support screen casting.

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