Minggu, 15 April 2012

Profil Acha Septriasa


Profil Acha Septriasa

Acha Septriasa

Nama Lengkap : Acha Septriasa
TTL : Jakarta, 1 september 1989
Agama : Islam
Nama Ayah : Sagitta Ahimsha
Nama Ibu : Rita Emza
Anak Ke : 3 dari 6 bersaudara
Pendidikan Terakhir : Sd Muhammadiyah 06 Tebet, SMP N 73 Tebet, SMA N 82 Jakarta, Jurusan Komunikasi Massa, Multimedia Broadcasting, Universitas Kaikolewing, Kualalumpur
Berat Badan : 46 kg
Zodiak : Virgo
Hobi : menyanyi, membaca, main drum, baca puisi, main gitar, berenang, basket, jalan-jalan
Film Favorit : Rumah Pondok Indah, The Not Book!!!
Musik Favorit : Lagu Irwansyah, Wicker Park
Warna Favorit : Biru dan pink
Makanan Favorit : Gado-gado dan mie

Acha Septriasa

Acha Septriasa

Acha Septriasa just missed our top five in the Best Actress category last year for her stellar work in Love is Cinta, but Kabir Bhatia's Love was to be the movie that would push her over the top. Playing a country teenage-girl with the Sundanese accent, Septriasa made us come to love the character of Iin even as she was using teen-speak that was almost alien in tone. The wonderful thing about Love is that she's not all tough talk. There are moments in the film when she is genuinely vulnerable, especially when she learns that the former loverboy is not quite the man she expected him to be. It's a revelation of a performance, and one that is already opening many doors for the young actress.

Gimana nih?cucokgak?sekian ya Profil Acha Septriasa semoga bermanfaat
Joy Silalahi

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