Sleeping Position Best And Worst-many people say, although Indonesia can not be said as the country's 'rich' as Uncle Sam, but at least we are still grateful. Because when Americans are increasingly dependent on the sleeping pills in order to sleep, the population of Indonesia is still able to sleep without difficulty sleeping even though only the bare boards.
For the majority of the population of Indonesia, sleep is still an easy thing to do. Sleep can be done on a wooden board until super soft bed, with a variety of positions that make it convenient. But do you ever think, of the many sleeping position, which position is best and can sustain health? Genius Beauty pages reveal the best sleeping positions that you can apply every day.
For the majority of the population of Indonesia, sleep is still an easy thing to do. Sleep can be done on a wooden board until super soft bed, with a variety of positions that make it convenient. But do you ever think, of the many sleeping position, which position is best and can sustain health? Genius Beauty pages reveal the best sleeping positions that you can apply every day.
Tip: On your back
This position is expressed as the best sleeping position and ideal for night sleep. This position will support the back and neck properly, thereby reducing pain. In addition, sleep on your back will also reduce acid reflux and prevent the appearance of wrinkles on the face. Only, this position is not suitable for those who snore and have sleep disorders. And for those who suffer from neck pain, it helps support the neck with a comfortable pillow to sleep on their backs.
Tip: Position Sideways
Position is a position not less uncomfortable to sleep sideways. Various experts say that this position can help reduce back pain and they suggested putting a pillow under your knees to relieve back pain as well as to reduce snoring. Pregnant women are also advised to use the sleeping position to the left, because blood flow is connected to the fetus will go more smoothly. However, this position often makes stiff shoulders and neck. Be careful also with the appearance of wrinkles on the face touching the pillow.
Worst: Facing Down
According to doctors, the most dangerous position is sleeping face down position. In addition to speed up facial wrinkles, one would be easier to experience neck and back injuries because the spine is not straight during sleep. Not to forget, the back and joints of the body can not rest if someone slept with this position.
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